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Kirsten's favorites

Iris S.
15 augustus 2021

Kirsten's favorites

Iris S.
31 augustus 2021

Kirsten's favorites

Styles for tall types



Kirsten Schilder is a Dutch influencer and we are proud to call her our ambassador! She's a loving mother of 3 beautiful children and married to Nick Schilder, who is a famous Dutch singer. She shares her colorful fafmily life and her versatile career through Instagram, vlogs and columns. She truly breathes CYELL; finding joy in the small things in life, an eye for feminine and flowy garments and a love for iconic prints. 

Styles for tall types

If you have a somewhat straighter figure, look for items that give you feminine shapes; padded bikini tops for push-up effect, for example. Stylish swim suits are also very suitable for tall types. The waist is extra created by accents such as buttons, pleats or a tie closure at that height.

Discover styles for tall types